Product Development.
Client: geonetric
MY role: web designer
In summer-fall 2020, Geonetric created an intranet template based on research and trends in the intranet industry. The mock wireframe & concept were created with “dummy” navigation that could be easily adopted by clients, or adjusted to their needs. This template & information gathered around intranets became even more valuable when the pandemic found many employers looking for ways to better connect with their employees.
Vertical Navigation
Vertical navigation is a trend in intranets, & gives more space for links & larger navigations to live comfortably. In this concept, the main links besides home are NOT clickable because these labels serve as dropdown accordion menus. All of these can be changed or adjusted based on the client’s functionality/preferences.
This concept was built with the ability to add single tertiary navigation beneath the primary (accordion) navigation above it. The “Contact Intranet” link can also open a panel within that section containing a form or other important information.
The header at the top also contains a quick button to the right of the site search that when clicked will open a vertical panel along the right site of the screen. This can be used for upcoming calendar events, alerts, weather updates, quick links, or other important information.
Homepage Priorities
After creating wireframes, sample concepts were created by applying brand colors & homepage components. Every client is different with what information is important for their teams to have access to, but all client intranets have the same goal to provide employees with easy access to the tools & resources needed to complete their jobs.
Visit Geonetric’s Ideas page to learn more about healthcare intranets & strategy.